WEM - Web Experience management is a feature in webcenter sites/fatwire where in separate module can be implemented/deployed to integrate external content/repository via REST API or by deploying applications. All possible use of this feature are listed and discussed in detail here (Developer's Guide).
One feature is available to test and deploy: Articles Sample application (which can be downloaded from Oracle edelivery site). Although following the steps given in guide should be enough, there are few errors and less info available for known issues. I am listing those so that you can make the changes and make it work:
1. SSO authentication failure (multi cast port not updated). Open the file: cas-cache.xml present at /WEB-INF/classes/cas-cache.xml and search for the term -"multicastGroupPort=@casCacheMultiCastGroupPort@" and change it to "multicastGroupPort=<SOME PORT NUMBER>". Re-deploy articles-1.0.war and run install.app
2. If you are not able to run install.app, then after deploying article-1.0.war file, register your app manually as mentioned here. There are few issues even after registering manually:
One feature is available to test and deploy: Articles Sample application (which can be downloaded from Oracle edelivery site). Although following the steps given in guide should be enough, there are few errors and less info available for known issues. I am listing those so that you can make the changes and make it work:
1. SSO authentication failure (multi cast port not updated). Open the file: cas-cache.xml present at /WEB-INF/classes/cas-cache.xml and search for the term -"multicastGroupPort=@casCacheMultiCastGroupPort@" and change it to "multicastGroupPort=<SOME PORT NUMBER>". Re-deploy articles-1.0.war and run install.app
2. If you are not able to run install.app, then after deploying article-1.0.war file, register your app manually as mentioned here. There are few issues even after registering manually:
- Not able to find app icon: To resolve this either you keep the icon within /cs/ folder of your application server directory and update your FW_Application or else update your FW_Application icon url to "../articles-1.0/images/articles.png"
- Other issue is after each login on JSK, you have to run install.app and also there are multiple http redirects made leading to errors. To resolve this, rather than deploying the article-1.0.war file, unzip the folder under <APP_SERVER>/webapps/ folder and update your FW_Application accordingly. More details present here in oracle community.
Although sample is present, it is little complex to understand it as it requires good knowledge on how controller works and creating app & assets programatically. But there is another simpler way to create and test WEM app. As a FatWire/Oracle Webcenter Sites consultant, often challenges are met with developing custom solutions which are useful for content contributors and administrators. For eg: Mass edit/save/update/delete/sharing assets, managing roles and ACLs, searching assets on attributes, etc. Such tools/solutions are often created as CSElement+SiteEntry where SiteEntry is called via browser to perform the task. If a project has so many custom requirements, I think it is better to have them separately in another WEM app which would be available to only permitted users. By doing so, custom admin tasks are separated from normal users and is secure as the solution is not exposed. I won't be telling you how to create these custom tools but rather about how to create a simple custom WEM app as followed:
Step 1: Create one typeless-template which should have the following code within the default code:
<div id="myapp" style="float:left;height:100%;width:100%" class="wemholder"></div>
This would be your layout element which would be included while creating FW_Application asset. Note: This id - myapp is important as it would be added to field: parent node while creating FW_View asset and should be unique.
Step 2: Create another typeless-template which will include your code to render the content. This content can come from anywhere like REST API, 3rd party api, etc. In our example, I will just include and proceed with Sample site URL present in JSK which shows the number of sites present and two sample sites urls to access sites: http://localhost:8080/cs/ContentServer?pagename=OpenMarket/Demos/index
This url would be added in the element while creating FW_View asset.
Step 3: Download an icon (.gif or .png) from internet for your app and place it under some folder in <webapps>/cs/ folder
Step 4: Go to AdminSite, create new asset of Type: FW_View, fill in all the details like name, parent node (value would the id present in layout template i.e. myapp), view type: iframe and source url: sample site url. It should look like the following:
Step 5: After creating FW_View asset, add it to active list/bookmark it or it should be available in HISTORY tab if you did not navigate to other site or logged out. Create new FW_Application asset, include your FW_View asset and fill in all the details which should end like the following:
Step 6: Navigate to WEM Admin in AdminSite and register your app for avisports. Click on Apps from top menu and hover over you MyApp app, you will get 2 options: Edit and Manage App. Select Manage App, select site/s & role and then save it. I selected avisports and assigned all roles. Select site - avisports, an icon should be now visible for you to click on to open your WEM app. Overall you should see like below:
Similarly, any webcenter sites content or small functionality can be shown.
Similarly, any webcenter sites content or small functionality can be shown.
1 comment:
How do i link the other template which contains the code for my app with this?
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